
According to the amount of washing materials, XL spiral sand washer can be divided into two kinds of structure, single spiral and double spiral. It also can be divided into two kinds, light and heavy, according to the product size of washing materials.
Light spiral sand washer is suitable for washing and screening of fine materials,which is less than 10 mm. Heavy spiral sand washer is suitable for coarse materials, which is more than 10 mm less than 80 mm. 
Screw Sand Washing Machine has three functions: washing, dewatering, classifying and is loved by the majority of customers, and has been successfully widely used in construction sites, gravel plants, hydropower stations, concrete dam site glass industry, and other places using sands.


1. Adjustable wide overflow weir structure makes desliming, dehydration, removing impurity and sand washing more efficient.

2. The machine are equipped with reliable driving and transmission device, special underwater seal structure of the rotary part, which ensure running stable.

3. The spiral blades are made of wear-resistant materials, which ensure working continuity and reduce the running cost.


Type Model Spiral diameter
Feed size
Water Consumption(t/h) Capacity(t/h) Power(kw) Dimension(mm)
Light single spiral XL-508 508 <10 6-60 -20 7.5 8585×2347×1615
XL-610 610 <10 6-63 -50 7.5 8166×2480×1720
XL-762 762 <10 9-63 -75 15 9070×2650×1870
XL-914 914 <10 10-90 -100 15 9310×2830×2360
XL-1118 1118 <10 20-160 -175 22 11830×3048×2230
Light double spiral 2XL-762 762 <10 20-150 -140 2×15 9178×3625×1808
2XL-914 914 <10 130-180 -200 2×15 9310×3870×2134
2XL-1118 1118 <10 60-600 -350 2×22 11830×4170×2230
Heavy single spiral XLZ-762 762 <60 160-220 -125 30 7775×1290×2034
XLZ-914 914 <60 200-300 -175 37 8324×1382×2112
XLZ-1118 1118 <75 500-750 -250 37 8703×1681×2176
Heavy double spiral 2XLZ-762 762 <60 300-400 -150 2×30 7775×2090×2068
2XLZ-914 914 <60 350-450 -200 2×30 8324×2336×2112
2XLZ-1118 1118 <75 900-1100 -300 2×37 8703×2861×2150


Machine Photo

Spiral Sand Washer

Spiral Sand Washer Machine


Customer Cases

Sandstone Wet Washer Application


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