Product Knowledge

Can roller crusher be used to make sand?

author:dahua2 time:2024-04-19

Roller crushers are favored by small and medium-sized investors due to their small size and low price. The roller crusher can also produce sand for some roller crushers with low hardness and good texture, which can meet the needs of general construction projects without any problem.
roller crusher for sand
How to make sand with roller crusher?
The roller crusher can crush sand and gravel within 5 cm into high-quality sand of 0 to 5 mm. Different from professional sand making machinery, it uses combined crushing instead of impact crushing, which does not produce secondary crushing, so the crushing rate is low; secondly, a wedge or gasket adjustment device is installed between the two rollers to adjust the output Material particle size. The finished sand making product has a particle size of 2-10 mm, good particle size, low needle content, and no internal cracks. In addition, the machine is equipped with a dust-proof plate inside, which has good sealing performance, less dust pollution, low noise, and can meet the requirements of green production. Therefore, the overall effect of using a roller crusher is very wrong.
Dahua Heavy Industry has been engaged in manufacturing mining machines for more than 60 years, with good quality and affordable prices. If you want to know the price of our roller crusher, please feel free to consult us. Professional product managers will answer your quotation online in real time. Currently, there are customers all over the country who can visit and inspect. Product output, efficiency, quality and after-sales service have been widely praised. People from all walks of life are welcome to come to the factory for consultation.

Tag:  roller crusher sand roller crusher

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